Monday, May 2, 2016

About Ms. Brittney

Hi! I'm Ms. Brittney and I'm really excited to teach preschool!  I've always dreamed of having a preschool in my own home and I feel very fortunate to be able do so.  I've had lots of experience teaching children and even organizing preschool classes. Even as a young girl I would play school with my younger siblings, friends and cousins. When I was in high school I organized a summer camp that took children on an imaginary tour of different cultures around the world.  Later, I attended Brigham Young University and earned a dual degree in Elementary Education and Early Childhood Education.  After I got married and had my own children, I started a co-op style preschool with my neighbors and friends, taking turns holding class and teaching in our own homes.  I would often catch myself laying in bed at nights unable to sleep because I would get excited about an upcoming preschool lesson/activity idea!

Besides getting kids to smile, I do have a few other interests. I love to sing and make stuff with my hands like sewing, crafting and art. I LOVE to read books and go running and be in the great outdoors... particularly if the wind can be blowing in my face and if I can see off in the distance.  I don't often have time or energy for these things and when that is the case my favorite thing to do is curl up on the couch next to my husband, eat a treat and watch a show on Netflix.

Faith in my Savior, Jesus Christ and in my Heavenly Father and a love for my family are very important to me and make up a significant part of my identity. I try to live my life in a way that God would want me to, using any gifts or talents I've been given to serve and help anyone around me. I've lived all over the United States and even in Canada for a few years and the South's accepting atmosphere of worshiping God is special and unique. I love living here because of that!

And now allow me to introduce you to the people I love most in the world: my family. My husband, Chris is a professor at the Mississippi State's Computer Science department. His focus is in artificial intelligence, game theory and some other highly intelligent and technically-difficult-sounding stuff.  He's coached soccer and basketball for our boys with Starkville Park and Rec and is my sure and steady companion. Our oldest son Alec is in 4th grade and enjoys soccer, science and math. Our second son, Charlie is in 2nd grade likes to shoot basketballs, play with friends and music. Gwen is our 3rd child and is in1st grade. She loves to read, ride bikes and sing songs. Our youngest, Freddy, is 3 years old and a cutie-pie, somersault extraordinaire and will be the youngest member of our preschool class.

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