Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Still accepting students for Fall 2016!

We still have open spots in our class and will accept new students throughout the school year Our first few weeks of preschool will focused most on getting used to routines so don't worry about starting late! Please contact me with any questions or fill out the enrollment form online!

Throughout this past summer I advertised a Mon/Wed/Fri class but to accommodate more students I have changed the days we meet to Tuesday and Thursday, lowered the tuition to $110 to match the 2 days a week schedule and am now accepting students from ages 3-5.

We're going to have a great year! Come and join in on the fun!

Friday, May 27, 2016

It's time to Register!

The enrollment form is now available online for you to register your child!  Once you fill it out and click submit I will be able to review the information and reserve a spot for your child. Once I receive a registration payment (the first half of the first month's tuition... $50 if you're planning on providing the class snack twice a month, or $55 if you don't want to provide snack)  I  will be able to confirm your child's spot in my preschool class.  After that we can complete the registration process by going over a welcome packet. We can do that over email or in person at an arranged meeting.  I'm sooo excited to meet my class and actually start this dream of mine!

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Hillbrook Preschool Overview

About Hillbrook Preschool
Hillbrook Preschool is a new preschool in Starkville that offers children a chance to explore the world in a comfortable and safe home environment through a variety of carefully planned activities. The curriculum will draw heavily from the award winning book, The Complete Daily Curriculum for Early Childhood that focuses on using a variety of instructional strategies that reaches every type of learner. Activities and lessons will be structured to provide children with a wide range of experience with music, art, games, books, hands-on manipulatives, imaginative play, and nature with access to over 2 acres of land including an outdoor playground.

About the Class
Currently, Hillbrook Preschool has one 1/2 day preschool class that meets Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8:30-11:30 am. Extended childcare hours are available (at 5$ per hour) with flexibility on an individual needs basis for those wanting a longer block of time.  The class is geared toward 4 and 5 year olds, but will accommodate children as young as 3. In accordance with Mississippi State's Child Care Licensing code, the class size will be limited to 6 children, maintaining an excellent child to teacher ratio while still providing the opportunity to practice positive social interaction with peers.

Tuition, Fees and Calendar
Tuition is $110 a month with a discount of $10 off if parents provide the snack for the whole class twice a month. Half of the first month's tuition is due upon registration and the second half is due by the15th of that month.  Each month's tuition is due by the 15th of that month.  Hillbrook Preschool will run from August - May (enrollment occurring throughout August) and will following the Starkville School District calendar for holidays and school breaks.  Additional or extended care hours will be billed at $5 an hour and may include school holidays depending on availability.

About the Teacher
Brittney Archibald received her Bachelor Degree in both Elementary Education and Early Childhood Education from Brigham Young University in 2004. Since then she's stayed at home to raise her 4 kids (currently ranging from 3 - 10  years old). During those years she has organized or participated in 3 different co-op style preschools and a 'Mommy-and-Me' Music Class.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I register?
A registration form is available now and can be filled out online. (the registration form link also appears on the left sidebar of hillbrookpreschool.blogspot.com) If you prefer a physical copy they can be picked up at the classroom.  You may turn in any paper copies by mail or just bring them by the classroom. After you submit a registration form you will be contacted to confirm your submission and be asked to pay 1/2 of August's tuition at that time. The second half will be due by August 15. 
How old does my child need to be to attend?
I am currently accepting students from ages 3-5. Parents of 2 year olds are encouraged to fill out a registration form so I am aware of their interest. To best match the content and style of the class, registration preference will be given to 3-5 year olds until May 1st. On May 1st any open spots can be given to almost 3 year olds who have filled out the registration form.     
Do you accept new students during the school year?
Yes, as long as there are open spots, I will accept new students. 

Can I come by and visit the classroom?
Yes, you are welcome to contact me and set up a time to come visit the classroom beforehand.

What does additional childcare / extended care refer to? What about holidays?
I understand that work schedules do not always follow school schedules and I want to be flexible for parent needs. Extended care means that if you need to bring your child by earlier than 8:30 or have them stay later than 11:30 we can try and work something out whether it be an every day need or even just a one-time deal. I may even be able to provide childcare on days besides the days we hold class or even on holidays.  After making sure my own family needs are met, I can be pretty flexible.  Just contact me in advance and we can see if an arrangement can be made.

What forms of payment do you accept?
You can pay tuition by check, cash, or electronically with PayPal or Google Wallet. Some people prefer to write out post-dated checks a year in advance and I will deposit them at the beginning of each month.

Do you require students to be immunized?
The short answer is yes - although extenuating circumstances will be evaluated on a case by case basis, such as allergies to preservatives, or mothers who follow a slower vaccination schedule than is typically outlined.

Why is the class size limited to 6 children?
Mississippi State law considers preschools with 6 or more children to be Childcare Facilities (even for half day preschools) and requires them to be registered and licensed. In the future when my own children need less of my time I hope to expand Hillbrook Preschool to offer multiple classes 5 days a week and accommodate more children in each class. At that point I will go through the necessary requirements to register and obtain a license for my preschool. Until I'm ready to do that I will abide by the law and keep the class size to 5. (My own children do not count towards this number and so my youngest son will join be attending class and make our class size 6).

Is there a policy for parents in the classroom?
Yes, my policy is come join us anytime. :) 

What curriculum will you be using?
I will loosely be following the curriculum outlined in the award winning book, The Complete Daily Curriculum. I may adapt the suggested lessons, books, songs, centers or activities to meet the needs and interests of my students. I will use weekly and monthly themes to appeal to the children's interests. 

What kind of snack am I supposed to bring in order to get the $10 off discount?
There are lots of possible options here. As long as it takes into consideration any allergies of the children I am pretty open for snack possibilities. Ideally, it would include at least two different food groups i.e. Crackers and fresh or canned fruit,  or string cheese, baby carrots and raisins etc. You only have to provide the snack for the whole class two days out of the month to qualify for the discount. You may sign up to bring the snack for specific days and bring them the day or week of, or you may bring a larger quantity all at once to cover your portion for a couple months at a time as long as the food will keep.  

What if I only want to my child come to preschool only 1 day a week?
My goal is to have a full class. If you want to find a friend to split the full slot where they send their child one day and you bring your child the other days, that could work.  I can also keep a list of people who have contacted me with specific day preferences and I can try and match up the kids to maintain a full class every Tuesday and Thursday. Just keep in mind that the curriculum will be formatted to spread across 2 days a week.

What kind of emergency plans are in place?
In case of a tornado, we have a below ground 10 person storm shelter in our garage. We will follow any school closings issued by the Starkville School District.  In case of fire, we will evacuate to a safe distance away from the classroom and meet by the mailbox at the top of the driveway. You will, of course, be notified in the event of any emergency situation.

Monday, May 2, 2016

About Ms. Brittney

Hi! I'm Ms. Brittney and I'm really excited to teach preschool!  I've always dreamed of having a preschool in my own home and I feel very fortunate to be able do so.  I've had lots of experience teaching children and even organizing preschool classes. Even as a young girl I would play school with my younger siblings, friends and cousins. When I was in high school I organized a summer camp that took children on an imaginary tour of different cultures around the world.  Later, I attended Brigham Young University and earned a dual degree in Elementary Education and Early Childhood Education.  After I got married and had my own children, I started a co-op style preschool with my neighbors and friends, taking turns holding class and teaching in our own homes.  I would often catch myself laying in bed at nights unable to sleep because I would get excited about an upcoming preschool lesson/activity idea!

Besides getting kids to smile, I do have a few other interests. I love to sing and make stuff with my hands like sewing, crafting and art. I LOVE to read books and go running and be in the great outdoors... particularly if the wind can be blowing in my face and if I can see off in the distance.  I don't often have time or energy for these things and when that is the case my favorite thing to do is curl up on the couch next to my husband, eat a treat and watch a show on Netflix.

Faith in my Savior, Jesus Christ and in my Heavenly Father and a love for my family are very important to me and make up a significant part of my identity. I try to live my life in a way that God would want me to, using any gifts or talents I've been given to serve and help anyone around me. I've lived all over the United States and even in Canada for a few years and the South's accepting atmosphere of worshiping God is special and unique. I love living here because of that!

And now allow me to introduce you to the people I love most in the world: my family. My husband, Chris is a professor at the Mississippi State's Computer Science department. His focus is in artificial intelligence, game theory and some other highly intelligent and technically-difficult-sounding stuff.  He's coached soccer and basketball for our boys with Starkville Park and Rec and is my sure and steady companion. Our oldest son Alec is in 4th grade and enjoys soccer, science and math. Our second son, Charlie is in 2nd grade likes to shoot basketballs, play with friends and music. Gwen is our 3rd child and is in1st grade. She loves to read, ride bikes and sing songs. Our youngest, Freddy, is 3 years old and a cutie-pie, somersault extraordinaire and will be the youngest member of our preschool class.

Sunday, May 1, 2016


Welcome to the blog for Hillbrook Preschool!  I've always dreamed of starting a preschool in my home and I am so excited to have one of my life long dreams come true!

I hope to use this blog as a means of keeping parents up to date on the goings-on of our classroom as well as provide a platform for easy access to necessary documents and information.

If you are interested in sending your child to my preschool please explore the posts on this blog and feel free to contact me by email or phone (including texting) with any questions or concerns!

- Ms. Brittney